This “Going the Extra Mile” Chore Chart helps children develop the trait of being a “go getter” and doing everything with excellence. We want to help our children learn how to set themselves apart when they are working for others, and this training starts (ideally) when they are young. A chore chart is a great place to start, but this takes it to the next level!
Instructions: For older children and teens, use the first chore chart and allow them to come up with ways to “go the extra mile” on their own, if possible. They can use the “refection/notes” section to write how they felt or what they could have done better, or you can add
encouragement or advice for improvement here.
For younger children, print and cut out the characters below and place one at the starting line of each task on the chore chart. Write the basic expectations of the task on the first one or two “bubbles,” then add an extra task in the final bubble. Move their character for each completed section, rewarding them for “going the extra mile” and getting to the trophy at the end.